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The root of all evil, or the lifeblood of civilization, currencies allow for trade beyond the barter system, and provide portable wealth that has value far from home. Many of the currencies in place in Kala are quite sophisticated; while coin is the standard for personal trades and commerce, notes of credit are quite common in trade and real estate(in the few large cities and towns.)

Halfling Currency

Halfling coins are the most common currency on Kala-Tir, being the unofficial currency of Star’s End and accepted anywhere for face value, and is the currency used by arbiters as the common index to measure others against. Halfling notes are used in trade, and are magically inked and serialized; counterfeiting said currency has not historically been a wise occupation. 


  • Hearth = 1 cp, small copper disk
  • Wagon = 1 sp, silver disk
  • Wheel = 2 gp, gold disk with scoring across the center
  • Barrel = 1 pp, platinum disk


  • Homestead = 100 gp
  • Inn = 500 gp
  • Road = 1000 gp

Star’s End

  • Ray = 1 cp, Small copper triangle
  • Beam = 1 sp, Small silver disk
  • Star = 5 sp, larger silver pentagon
  • Moon = 5 gp, thicker gold hexagon
  • Sun = 5 pp, platinum octagon


  • Leaf = 1 cp, copper disk
  • Branch = 5 cp, copper disk
  • Trunk = 1 sp, small gold disk surrounded by copper ring
  • Tree = 5 gp, gold disk with hole in center
  • Forest = 2 pp, aluminum rectangle, slightly concave