Love, War, And the Sea
Known to seafarers as Calypso, to the Minotaurs as Kessek, and by most the rest of the world as Ceralayes, the Goddess(and She always is known as a Goddess) of Love, War, and the Sea is a force of change and motion.
Calypso’s followers have been found in every revolution, every great change has had her followers and agents shepherding it along. While her followers may be capricious, and sometimes even cruel, She Herself loves those that serve her wholeheartedly – for she is the Goddess of Love, not lust. While her nature is quick to decision, once made, those choices are in earnest.

There is a debate about whether she is truly the Goddess of War, or of conflict at it’s most elemental. Her Paladins do not seem to enjoy war, despite the skill they bring to it, but all the same they themselves acknowledge that it is only through conflict do they truly know themselves and the world.
Choice – making one, and following through – is at the heart of Calypso. A sailor who knows the risks of the sea and points her ship into the wind anyway is far more likely to earn Her favor than someone huddled, crying in the storm. Sometimes all She will offer is a loving embrace as she carries the wayward soul to the heavens, but Her followers long ago accepted that to love Her is to accept that fate as a fair end to a life worth living.