Nebakanezer, a scoutship of the Avenger class, was laid down (350 years pre-breaking). Designed for reconnaissance and raiding, she flew under the command of Captain Jonas Kel Morku, who began his Fleet duties as an exchange officer from the Republic of Zor. Lost with all hands at the Third Battle of Baltor’s Gap, her overloaded main drive caused a Jorles Hel that consumed 3 acres of rock and several thousand Dwarf soldiers. Her Cortas was lost with her crew, with her Name being placed on the List of Honor.
Actions of Note
Third Battle of Baltor’s Gap: Lost With all Hands. <She might not have seen as much action as Raven’s Wing, but lordy, these girls liked a bar fight.>
Class Features
Fully Updated with the latest Ikanolaith systems, Nebakanezer was notorious among the Ika’s for being hard on her crew. Several talented Ikanolaithscredited their service on the ship as a great learning experience, but none desired to return to service aboard her. Retaining the signature Elemental Spinal mount of her class, the Nebakanezer was infamous for surprise diving assaults into enemy formations, using her secondary armaments to attack an enemy fleet from within their own formations.
Ship’s Log
From Hell’s Heart, I stab at thee -transfer incomplete, matrix lost-