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Posted on Apr 17, 2020 by in Classes | 0 comments

Even before the fall of the Empire and the Great Acceptance, Elves walked the shadowy and dark places of Kala in search of those things that hungered for the rich spoils of the world. After the Breaking, however, the numerous branches of the Imperial military that retreated into the Deeps realized the need for a more organized method of defense and exploration. The Patrol was born in the city of Tiras Mel, located deep in the former Dwarven capitol of Jorganhime. Although much has changed since that desperate, hurried time, the core of what the Partol is and the men and women that walk the tunnels and caves of the Deep has not altered.


Patrol training is not designed to make the individual the greatest warrior of all time; it is instead designed to make sure that each Patroller fights as long, and exacts as high a cost for their death, as possible. Their is no such thing as a fair fight, no moral quandaries about what to do with enemies after a battle. A Patroller emerges from training convinced that the only thing worse than battle is returning to training, and they’re not far off.


Patrollers come in several varieties, from specialized rangers that form the the Wayfinder and Chronicler ranks, to Fighters, fighter/mages, and fighter/clerics, that form the bulk of the force. Dedicated Wizards are sometimes attached to individual patrols, but are are not Patrollers, nor are most clerics, although on occasion one may be found in the ranks. Sorcerers and Bards are not allowed in the ranks, for reasons explained but never adequately. Paladins, while many have come from the ranks of the Patrol, most often leave to serve the demands of their God, and such leave is granted without question.

Rank Structure

The Patrol doesn’t follow a strict rank structure, but there is an echo of order in there. There is no higher rank than Captain, the head Patroller is First amongst Equals. Family rank and service history help define that further, but Patrollers being a practical bunch, the Head Patroller is typically a well-connected type with enough practical experience and sense to act as a buffer between the rest of society and the harsher world outside the Cities.

Lesser ranks are filled by Leftenants, technically, but these are usually called by their position – Patrol Leader, XO, Troop Commander in a training camp or garrison – not that there are many such things, anymore. Below that, Sergeants and Patrollers. Like everything Elven, it’s all in the social connections and subtleties to determine the differences in two equally ranked persons.