Victory of Death, a Heartsblood class battlecruiser, was the last hybrid Imperial/Republic ship commission, laid down during the Breaking. Her Captain, Commodore Leonas Mardruk Galannodel, was due for a promotion to Admiral before his death. The last ship to carry the colors of Third Fleet, she was consumed by the Magestorm over Zorath-Tul, and lost with all hands. In her 2 years of service, she fought...

Nebakanezer, a scoutship of the Avenger class, was laid down (350 years pre-breaking). Designed for reconnaissance and raiding, she flew under the command of Captain Jonas Kel Morku, who began his Fleet duties as an exchange officer from the Republic of Zor. Lost with all hands at the Third Battle of Baltor’s Gap, her overloaded main drive caused a Jorles Hel that consumed 3 acres of rock and...