Races of Kala
This history Kala has seen many changes, and it’s people have changed along with the buckling earth and boiled seas – not every new branch that set out survived the Sundering, and some were born from it.
Elves are at the heart of life on Kala, even if their current status is somewhat diminished. As one of the three initial races of Kala, Elves have long been the most adventurous of the peoples of the World, only recently being surpassed by Humans and in spirit, if not accomplishments, by Minotaurs. They were unique in that before the breaking, they were a unified people under the Celestial Empire, only separating into different political groups in the chaos that followed the Breaking.
‘Do you want to see why the elves sired so many races?’
Corlath galannodel, Patroller
A major point of confusion amongst many Humans and Minotaurs on Kala-Tir is that many of the ‘Elven’ communities known to them are actually populated by half-elves and more dilute decedents of Elves, these peoples having splintered from the Elven survivors that retreated into the Deeps to combat the beings that sought refuse in the the dark, and to atone for their contribution to the Breaking.
Elves sired four of the child races: Halflings (With Dwarves), Merfolk(With…well, no, with magic, jeez, perverts), Humans(with Orks), and Celianfai, the latter having left the world shortly before the Breaking. Elves….got around.